Sunday 15th August and a few of the fellas from the Flourish & Succeed Men’s Hive Group had their walk and talk along the Wirral Peninsula with a mid point stop off at the green hut for a freshly cooked fish finger batch and refreshments. Nothing better to clear the mind and allow some peer bonding time in a safe space. Part of the conversation was also to up date on the Rona Sailing project scheduled for September with a perusal at the itinerary. As you may all remember this has been funded by yourselves with donations, the race night, coffee mornings and virtual games. Due to Covid it had to be postponed and has been rearranged a few times but it’s full sails ahead with the date now confirmed in September. The fellas are really excited and want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the group since it’s been established in August 2019. Here are a few pics from today. If you wish to join the group for any of the projects please get in touch 🌻🐝 #itsgoodtotalk #itsoknottobeokay