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April 2024

Football Coaching Skills Sessions

    Wednesday Children’s After school football coaching skills sessions , VOLAIR sports centre, Stockbridge Village L28 . Contact 0151 245-6111 to enquire ⚽🥅 6 to 12 year olds

    Bren Moore Counselling

      Flourish & Succeed CIC welcomes Brendan Moore to our growing wellbeing team! Here is a little bit about his background and experience: I am an Accredited Registrant with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society MNCPS (Acc.). I trained in Person… 

      SEND FUN Football

        SEN FUN Football coaching sessions Flourish and succeed CIC The Sensory Hive 💙❤💛💜⚽🥅 #autismacceptance #autismawarenessmonth @everyone well done 💛❤💙

        Womens Wellness Programs

          Thursday women’s wellness programs morning time Maureen Keegan delivering this session on resilience to these amazing women on behalf of Transform Lives Company Flourish & Succeed CIC! When women come together amazing things happen #resilience #ALittleTLC #5weekwellbeingprogramme Next week we… 

          Chirk Castle

            Chirk Castle for our community men’s volunteers group walk and talk adventure 💛 15 miles was completed.